Elect Electric's
3 R's
Responsible - Respectful - Responsive
Elect Electric’s 3 R’s are the basis of how we do business. They are our guidepost when making decisions and help us inform our future plans. We want to make clear what we mean by them and explain why we think these make Elect Electric worth doing business with.
When starting my business I had very little idea as to what I was doing. I wanted to provide enough for my family so that my wife could stay at home with our children, and she was pregnant. In many ways I jumped into business with no clue what to do. Thankfully I am a good learner. It is typical for me to do things the hard way and starting out was a grind. What I really wanted to know most of all was what other people wanted of me. How could I make people happy with my service unless I knew what they wanted?
I still remember the traffic jam on the 8 and 15 freeway interchange (I was in San Diego at the time, where this business started). The time spent there is when the 3 R’s became clear to me. “What do people want?” I asked. The thoughts that came back were as follows:
People want Elect to be responsible. They want us to have control over ourselves and they want to know we can be trusted. No one wants to hire a contractor they have to babysit. Elect needed to take ownership of itself, think about our responsibilities and be sure we were doing what is right. We needed to be responsible for our actions, our trash, any messes we make, the time we set aside to complete projects. In short Elect Electric needs to be a business that, when you call, you will only get responsible solutions to any issues you may have. We are what we say we are, we do what we say we will and we finish what we start.
People want Elect to be respectful. While being responsible is a must, being respectful is a recognition of the responsibility that others possess. Being respectful means understanding that others who are responsible should be taken notice of. Our clients are responsible for their buildings so we should be respectful of their property. Our clients are responsible with their time so we should be respectful of their time. And so on. This means we take care to understand our client’s needs and that we inform them of how the work we do will impact them. Elect Electric seeks to clearly define what we and our clients are responsible for, and we live up to our part of the relationship. Respecting others time, finances and property.
People want Elect to be responsive. What puts responsibility and respectfulness together is responsiveness. We need to be ready and willing to listen, hear and respond positively to any feedback we receive. Working with others demands all three components to be successful. At Elect this means we answer our phone whenever we are able. When we cannot we are sure to return calls in a timely manner. Before any project we try hard to listen and be sure we understand what our clients need or want and we make suggestions based on their interests, not our own. During any project we listen to any suggestions on timing or our method of work. (For example: Maybe we are making too much noise and need to wait to do some of our work at a later time.) Clients may change their minds. They need to know that it is ok, that we will listen and adjust to meet their needs. After any project we ask how we did and we listen to the feedback. We are human and mistakes come with the territory, Elect Electric wants to know about any we have made so we can make it right. We want to hear what we did right, what we did wrong and most importantly how we can improve. Being responsive allows Elect to be constantly improving in the right direction.
These are what we at Elect Electric want to be all about. This is the type of business we want to be and it is the type of business/client we want to work with. We believe you will find working with Elect Electric a pleasant experience and that the work we perform is done correctly/professionally, efficiently, and at the price we quote.
Please call Elect Electric today for any of your electrical needs.
Daniel Ehinger, CFO/Electrician
Responsible - Respectful - Responsive
We Look Forward to Providing You Exceptional Service!
Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo
Arroyo Grande